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Nairobi Metropolitan Area Residential Report 2021

Jul 11, 2021

Last year, we released our Nairobi Metropolitan Area (NMA) Residential Report 2020

Kenya Macroeconomic Review

Jul 4, 2021

Following an economic contraction in 2020, The Kenyan Economy is projected to grow at an average of 5.4% in 2021 according to various organizations as shown below: No. Organization 2021 Projections 1.        International Monetary Fund 7.6% 2.        National Treasury 6.6% 3.       

Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Review

Jul 4, 2021

According to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Sub Saharan economy is projected to grow at a rate between 3.4% and 2.8% in 2021 following a 2.4% decline in 2020 supported by recovering commodity prices and improving economic activity following the re-opening of most economies.   There are still risks to these outlooks given subsequent waves of the virus, the governments’ high debt levels and historical challenges such as political instabilities in some of the countries. Debt sustainability in the region continues to be a major concern and as per World Bank’s Africa’s Pulse April 2021, SSA’s public debt is projected to rise further to 69.0% of GDP in 2021,...

Global Markets Review

Jul 4, 2021

Introduction According to the World Bank’s June 2021 report, the global economy is projected to grow at a rate of 5.6% in 2021, 1.6% points higher than their initial outlook of 4.0%, largely driven by a projected 6.0% growth in emerging markets and developing economies, coupled with a 5.4% growth in advanced economies. Key to note, the 5.6% projected growth is the strongest post-recession pace in 80 years. The global recovery is however uneven, with advanced economies rebounding while developing countries lag behind driven by the unequitable vaccine access and distribution.  The economic growth shall be largely supported by how fast the vaccines shall be distributed and the strength of the Fiscal and monetary measures put in place. The key challenges going forward shall be the increasing inflation rates globally d...

CMMF Fact Sheet June 2021

Jul 1, 2021

FUND PERFORMANCE * Percentage you can expect to earn with the fund during one year of investment on basis of the so far realized monthly returns since inception. FUND MANAGERS REPORT AND OUTLOOK Fund Objective The Cytonn Money Market Fund is a low-risk fund that seeks to obtain a high level of current income while protecting investor’s capital and liquidity. Portfolio Strategy The portfolio objective will be to outperform the income yield available on money market call ac...