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Recent Topicals

Regulated vs Unregulated Products

Jun 27, 2021

Following ongoing discussions in the financial markets around regulated and unregulated offers, a member of parliament recently requested the Chairperson of the Department Committee on Finance and Planning to issue a statement on unregulated / private offers. Therefore, in this week’s topical, our Research Team seeks to build on a previous focus on the same topic covered in 2020 and educate the general public about these two types of markets/investment categories, which are complementary and important to well-functioning financial markets. As such, we shall discuss the following: Introduction to Regulated and Unregulated markets, Regulated and Unregulated Investment Categories, Pros and Cons of Each Investment Category, Issues to Consider for...

Kenya’s FY’2021/2022 Budget Review

Jun 20, 2021

On 10th June 2021, the National Treasury presented Kenya’s FY’2021/2022 National Budget to the National Assembly highlighting that the total budget estimate is Kshs 3.0 tn, a 4.8% increase from the Kshs 2.9 tn final FY’2020/21 budget. The government projects that total revenue will increase by 10.3% to Kshs 2.0 tn, from the Kshs 1.8 tn in FY’2020/2021, the increase largely being projected to come from ordinary revenue, which is to grow by 11.4% to Kshs 1.8 tn in FY’2021/22 from Kshs 1.6 tn in the FY’2020/21 budget. The projected revenues are mainly pegged on Kenya’s economic recovery, broadening the tax base and tax reforms. Uganda and Tanzania also released their FY’2021/2022 budgets with the Tanzanian budget expanding by 20.9%, mainly due to higher allocation in both recurrent and development expenditure, and the Uga...

Kenya Listed Banks Q1’2021 Report

Jun 13, 2021

Following the release of the Q1’2021 results by Kenyan listed banks, the Cytonn Financial Services Research Team undertook an analysis on the financial performance of the listed banks and identified the key factors that shaped the performance of the sector. Core Earnings per Share recorded a weighted increase of 28.4% in Q1’2021, compared to a weighted decline of 7.3% recorded in Q1’2020. The increase in earnings was mainly attributable to the growth in Net Interest Income, which grew by 17.5% in Q1’2021, compared to a growth of 7.4% in Q1’2020, for the listed banking sector. Additionally, interest income grew by 14.7%, compared to a growth of 8.2% recorded in Q1’2020, attributable to the increased allocation to higher yielding government securities during the quarter. Investments in government securities grew by 20.3%, faster than the 11.0% loan growth recorded during the period. Consequently, the Yield on Interest Earning Assets (YIEA) i...

CMMF Fact Sheet May 2021

May 31, 2021

FUND PERFORMANCE *Percentage you can expect to earn with the fund during one year of investment on basis of the so far realized monthly returns since inception. FUND MANAGERS REPORT AND OUTLOOK Fund Objective The Cytonn Money Market Fund is a low-risk fund that seeks to obtain a high level of current income while protecting investor’s capital and liquidity. Portfolio Strategy The portfolio objective will be to outperform the income yield available on money market call accounts and fixed deposit accounts by investing in interest-bearing securities and other short-term money market instruments. These securities are usually available to the wholesale or institutional clients. The Fund will also be managed conservativ...

Kenya Listed Insurance FY’2020 Report

May 30, 2021

Following the release of the FY’2020 results by Kenyan insurance firms, the Cytonn Financial Services Research Team undertook an analysis on the financial performance of the listed insurance companies and the key factors that drove the performance of the sector. In this report, we assess the main trends in the sector, and areas that will be crucial for growth and stability going forward, seeking to give a view on which insurance firms are the most attractive and stable for investment. As a result, we shall address the following: Insurance Penetration in Kenya Key Themes that Shaped the Insurance Sector in FY’2020, Industry Highlights and Challenges, Performance of The Listed Insurance Sector in FY’2020, and, Conclusion & Outlook of the Insurance Sector. Section I:  Introduction Insurance uptake in Kenya remains low compared...